Keeping everyone in the loop
Messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger have radically changed the speed and ease of communication between businesses and their clients... so why should Pet Sitter Plus be any different? During service delivery you can check in with your client using our online visit report, and we are developing our integrated Chat messaging hub means that clients, sitters and business managers alike can engage in secure three-way conversations which are then recorded in a useful conversation stream. 
Pet Sitter Plus also provides an advanced search function to create target client lists for mass emailing while our email template function means that regular client communication is faster and more accurate.

Client Chat (Beta)
If you are a regular user of Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp you will be aware of how these technologies have made communication easier, faster and more convenient. This is why Pet Sitter Plus supports an integrated chat function that brings the same level of convenience to clients, sitters and business owners alike.
Our flexible integrated chat technology means that clients, sitters and business managers can engage in message-based conversations before, during and after service delivery with all communication remaining securely stored in the application. An added bonus is that your team of sitters no longer need access sensitive information like client phone numbers or email addresses.
Using the Pet Sitter Plus messaging hub, a new level of collaboration becomes possible with all business communication recorded in a company chat stream and available to each client in their portal and on their mobile.

Configurable Visit Reports
The visit report is very popular with clients and provides a summary of the visit along with optional photos of the day’s events. Because we know that not every pet sitting business is the same, we have built our visit report to be as configurable as possible. Use check boxes, choice fields, date fields, notepads, photos and more to design a report that works best for your clients. You can even create different visit reports for different types of service and use our in messaging hub to communicate securely with clients before and after the visit. All communication is kept within the Pet Sitter Plus application and is easily monitored by business managers.

Bulk Email Communication using Templates
There will always be a requirement to email your clients with messages targeted at particular groups of users which is why Pet Sitter Plus supports an advanced search function to create lists such as “All clients who live in Area B” or “All clients assigned to Sitter B”. Coupled with a template driven bulk email service, this powerful solution means you can create and send accurate and targeted bulk email communications that you can re-use at will.
And for that personal touch, why not link Pet Sitter Plus to your own email provider so that clients receive emails from your own familiar email address.

Service Confirmation Emails
The process of scheduling and confirming services often requires flexible communication which is why Pet Sitter Plus supports many options to email clients with schedules and service confirmations.
If you need to email an order to a client for approval, no problem! Pet Sitter Plus has options to email services directly from the schedule or from an order and at the same time automated service confirmations are created and sent when online service requests have been approved by business managers.