Effective Marketing reports
The Pet Sitter Plus Schedule Stats report provides an impressive summary that helps you understand which type of services your pet sitting business is selling the most of, how your various marketing campaigns are performing and which of your geographic areas are producing the most revenue.
What services am I selling?
If you want to know how many services you are selling or the value of those services, then the Schedule Stats report provides a comprehensive summary of your overall bookings by type of service. View your company performance broken down by service types, such as Dog Walks, Home Visits, Overnights etc. and, because a picture paints a thousand words, we have added some awesome graphs to make your performance stats easier to understand.
Is my marketing effective?
For any pet sitting business, making the best use of a limited marketing budget is often challenging. To help you make the right choices, the schedule stats report is broken down by referral source, so that you can see at a glance which advertising campaigns are most effective.
If you have questions like Are my recommendations on the rise? Do I need to spend money on SEO? Is local advertising effective? then the schedule stats report will help you find the answers.
What geographic areas are doing the best?
As your business grows, the area that you cover will most likely grow too. Use the Schedule Stats report to break down the value of your bookings by geographic area to reveal which neighborhoods are generating the most revenue for your business.