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Staff Dashboard

All you need, out and about

This one-stop shop has every function a pet sitter needs to deliver a truly outstanding service. At Pet Sitter Plus, we know that not all pet sitting businesses are made the same way, which is why this module is super flexible and can be tailored to support the needs of your individual business. 


Using the Staff Dashboard, pet sitters can access their schedules, drill into client information, acknowledge and complete services as the day progresses, find important client information, integrate with phone based sat nav services for directions to the next client, provide “proof of service” using GPS check-in and check-out functions, send tailored visit reports that clients will love and stay in touch using our “in App” messaging service.  

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The Staff Dashboard Schedule for the day

Each pet sitter sees a clean and clear summary of all services due for completion between any date range with easy access to any additional information required to make the day go smoothly such as addresses, pet information, visit reports and more. 

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Acknowledging and Completing Services

Pet sitters use the acknowledge function to let their manager know that they have seen and accepted their schedule for the day. They can mark services as complete as they progress through their schedule. Badges on the Staff Dashboard illuminate as services are acknowledged and completed to let pet sitters, schedulers and managers alike know the status of each service scheduled. 

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GPS Check-in

In today’s digital world, clients have access to a bewildering array of inexpensive and high-quality home surveillance solutions which means it is possible that your clients will know about service delivery issues before you do. So, you can protect your business reputation by using our GPS based check-in/check-out solution which is integrated into the Pet Sitter Plus Staff Dashboard.


This easy to use module will record the start time and the end time of any service delivered but, critically, it records the geographic location of each time event which then provides proof that the service was delivered on time, in the right place and for the length of time required. This means that business managers can be reassured that service delivery standards are being met whilst preserving the reputation of the business.  

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Navigation to Client Address

Pet sitters need to know how to get to their next service, so easy access to phone-based Sat Nav services is a must! To ease the burden of finding the next client, simply access the location tab in the Staff Dashboard to find the client address for the next visit. A single tap will open the default Sat Nav service on the phone for step-by-step directions to the next client. 

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Configurable Visit Report & Messaging Hub (Beta)

The visit report is very popular with clients where pet sitters can provide a summary of the visit, along with optional photos of the day’s events. Because we know that not every pet sitting business is the same, we have built our visit report to be as configurable as possible. Use check boxes, choice fields, date fields, notepads, photos and more to design a visit report that works exactly as you need it to. You can even create different visit reports for different types of service and use our integrated messaging hub to communicate securely with clients before and after the visit. All communication is kept within the Pet Sitter Plus application and is easily monitored by business managers.  

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Access to Client Information

We think it should be quick and easy for staff to access client information which is why the Staff Dashboard supports a powerful drill down function. Simply tap on the client name to be taken to the full client record and our comprehensive field-based security will ensure that sensitive information is protected.  


Access privileges can be applied to individual staff, allowing trusted sitters to update client information as required.  

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Time Tracking Solution for Employees

If your business is moving to an employee model, then Pet Sitter Plus contains a flexible time tracking solution that will enable the calculation of hourly pay while at the same time providing help with compliance with the minimum wage. Crucially, this is all achieved with the minimum of additional input from sitters because we simply re-use GPS check-in and check-out timestamps that have already been recorded, to create a basic timesheet for each employee.  


The standard data can then be further improved by building up a completely accurate timesheet to include travel time that can optionally be recorded between services. Time off for lunch breaks or periods of non-working time can also be recorded using a simple “shift” system, where sitters clock-on to start their day and clock-off when not working.  

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Time or Time block... or both?

If you like to use time blocks to control online service ordering, then it follows that your pet sitters will have access to time block information in the Staff Dashboard. But did you know that our flexible software also supports a “time” based model? If you need to allow your clients to book services online at a specific time, Pet Sitter Plus allows you to set this up any of the services you offer.  


There is also an option to combine “time” with “time blocks” which means that you can allow your clients to choose a time block for their service delivery window and then use time to communicate to your staff the preferred time you would like them to perform the service within the time block. 


Additional options allow services such as home boarding, overnights and daycare to be ordered without a time block at all and instead appear as “All Day” or “Anytime” services in the client portal. 


With the flexible solutions within Pet Sitter Plus, you can have it your way. Create services that support your business model and communicate clearly with your staff the time that services are to be delivered.  

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