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Pet Sitter Plus logo for pet sitting software and dog walking software

The Software Coach

Join our team of software coaches and support analysts based in the USA, UK and AUS/NZ.

USA, UK and AUS/NZ positions available

Flexible part time work

Home based

Excellent earning potential

Ideal for pet sitting business owners

Fits around existing commitments

Pet Sitter Plus is one of the fastest growing pet sitting software suppliers in the world. To keep up with expansion, we need to recruit more software coaches to help our prospective clients to set up and use Pet Sitter Plus.


As a software coach and support analyst you will be providing prospective clients with one-to-one coaching in the use of Pet Sitter Plus and after they are "live" you will be providing an ongoing support service. You will receive full training and be fully supported at all times by our large and friendly team of pet sitting/software professionals.

If you are a pet sitting business owner or admin and you have some time to spare, you could be earning a sizeable second salary AND doing something that is both challenging and rewarding.


  • Software coach / support analysts work part time. This is a role that best fits around the other commitments that you have in your life. 

  • Your coaching and support workload is agreed and adjusted to suit the amount of spare time you have available.

  • This is a job that can fit around your other commitments including running your own pet sitting business.

  • As a guideline we are looking for people who have 3 spare hours a day to commit to this role and are available most of the year (minus the usual vacations).



  • Earn between $30,000 (£22,500) and $50,000 (£38,000) a year by working part time as a software coach - There is no ceiling to income*.

  • Pet Sitter Plus software coaches are rewarded on results. Successful software coaches enjoy a healthy monthly income which is based on a percentage of the Pet Sitter Plus subscriptions sold.

  • Rewards are cumulative. New subscribers are added to your list of existing subscribers.

  • Sales commission builds up over time to become either a sizeable second income or a significant primary income depending on the time you can commit to the job. 

  • Overall income grows as you sell more and is further increased through hourly paid support work.

  • In addition to the above, earn extra income by providing support to our clients as a support analyst.

  • The pay rates for this role are generous and income depends on your skill level and the time you can commit. Support analysts are paid a generous hourly rate.


Improve Your Knowledge


As a Pet Sitter Plus software coach & support analyst you will be training your industry peers in the best way to use Pet Sitter Plus (full training and mentoring is provided). You will become a product expert and learn a variety of new ways to implement Pet Sitter Plus.

New Challenge


If you have been in the pet sitting industry for some time and are looking for a new and exciting challenge then this could be it. Learning is both fun and rewarding and your new found knowledge will help you to get the very best out of Pet Sitter Plus, not just for your clients, but also for your own business too if you have one. 


Best use of your skills


If you are an experienced pet sitter you might feel that you have a lot of knowledge to offer. Becoming a Pet Sitter Plus software coach & support analyst provides an ideal opportunity to advance your own skills and share what you know with your peers. 

So who makes a great candidate for this role?

  • Experience of running a pet sitting business is an advantage.

  • A working knowledge of Pet Sitter Plus is an advantage.

  • You will need to have spare time, this role requires that you have around 15 - 20 hours a week of spare time.

  • You must feel at home with computers/software but you do not need to be a "tech guru".

  • Being good with people is an advantage.

  • Having the ability to understand how software can be used to make a business more efficient is an advantage.

* Income figures quoted above are achievable in year 3 of employment and are subject to your commitment (timewise) and your ability in the role.

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