Pet Sitter Plus from Pet Software Ltd is a web based software application and is therefore available to anyone who has access to the web anywhere in the world.
We currently provide support for customers based in Australia, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, the Middle East, New Zealand, USA, and UK. Pet Sitter Plus is available in English and we do not currently support any other language. Any support you receive either written or verbal will be in English.
If you complete our Contact Form or you email us at, your request is automatically logged in our support desk software. All of our support team in the USA and UK can then view the support ticket, and reply as soon as they are available.
Pet Sitter Plus sales and support staff are based in the UK, USA and AUS/NZ which means that most of the time our clients residing in those countries receive local pre-sales coaching from a software specialist based in their country.
Phone support is available free of charge around the world but the hours it is available will depend on your timezone. We have support staff based on the west coast and east coast of the USA and in the UK. You can always get through to us with a support question via our Contact Form and a member of our support desk will get back to you as soon as possible.